Hollandale and Blanchardville Wednesday Evening 6:30-7:30 in Hollandale Information or sign up, call Cathy Wiesbrook (608) 574-1344 Confirmation ClassMeet at 7:00-8:00 in Hollandale Information or sign up, call Laura Tisch (608) 523-1163
Religious Ed Grades PreK-8 Cathy Wiesbrook - (608) 574-1344 Grades 9th-12th Laura Tisch - (608) 523-1163
Mandatory Parent Meeting Wednesday, August 17:00 – 8:00pm Saint Patrick Hollandale Mandatory Religious Ed. Parent Meeting at St. Patrick Church, Hollandale 7 pm; ALL registration forms are due at the meeting. Call Cathy Wiesbrook 608-574-1344